AJC Sync Professional

AJC Sync is a detailed and powerful program that can synchronize the contents of two directories. This can be performed with the standard logic, or with a user-defined logic.


The tool is valuable to anyone who needs to regularly create replica directories of important folders. It can be highly valuable in creating duplicate archives of personal documents. One can also employ it in order to update and complete past synchronization processes.

AJC Sync comes with a pleasant interface that allows navigation via ribbons. Multiple buttons with informative titles and tooltip descriptions adorn each ribbon and newcomers will have no problems in adjusting to the software. Customization is allowed via the five built-in GUI themes from which users can choose from.

Running synchronization tasks requires two things: that one defines the actual folders and that a sync method is chosen. The former is self-explanatory, but users should know that the application allows choosing specific files from within the source folder.

Choosing the processing method allows a high degree of customization since users can not only define their own sync logic, but also choose the direction of the process. As for the latter case, one can, for example, issue bidirectional tasks, in which folders become identical.

Another powerful feature is the users’ ability to create their own synchronization logic. Modification date, size and file content are all viable methods of filtering the desired documents. The logical operator employed can also be adjusted (i.e. AND / OR).

To sum up, AJC Sync is a detailed program that allows users to create quick and highly customized folder and document synchronizations.

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Thanks to MADARA release


(Cracked Silent Install Repack) x86

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5/5 (1 Review)

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