ARES Commander 2025 is a full-fledged computer-aided design and development system, fully compatible with the format of electronic drawings DWG. The core of the ARES Commander Edition is the same proprietary ARES technology as known as Dassault Systemes, Corel, CorelCAD and a number of other solutions. Thus, the company Graebert offers the proprietary implementation of its CAD mechanism, which is actively used in the products of other large manufacturers.
The core of the ARES Commander Edition is the same proprietary ARES technology as known as Dassault Systemes, Corel, CorelCAD and a number of other solutions. Thus, the company Graebert offers the proprietary implementation of its CAD mechanism, which is actively used in the products of other large manufacturers.
The ARES system offers users full compatibility with the popular AutoCAD CAD – the DWG format is used as standard here.
In addition, the user has 400 of the 700 standard AutoCAD commands with support for complex scenarios, the user is already available to the user. Additionally, the ARES package contains built-in tools to include voice comments directly in the drawing files – by opening such files, the user can listen to the author’s comments.
The ARES Commander Edition package offers users a full suite of tools for working with two-dimensional drawings, as well as support for volume 3D modeling based on Spatial ACIS technology. In addition, users can independently create functions, procedures and plugins in LISP, C/C++, as well as using Visual Studio for Applications, Delphi, COM and DRX software interfaces – depending on the operating system where the package is used.
Among other important features of the ARES package, it is worth highlighting the possibilities such as restoring damaged drawings, as well as entering and displaying files in DWG 2.5-2009, DWF, SAT, WF, SLD, ESRI and SHP formats. For printing is supported export in PDF format, in raster form and in vector format SVG.
OS: 64-bit version: Windows 8.1, Windows 10 or Windows 11 (with new Updates and Service Packs)
Download the program ARES Commander 2025.3 Build (911.2 MB):