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Blank shape and dimensions are required submissions when stampers and die shops respond to RFQs. These very early material estimates are typically made from: experience on similar parts, process and equipment constraints, or simple unfolds of 3D shape. They carry very strong risks: underestimates can result in loss, overestimates can be uncompetitive; lack of product and process feasibility can wipe out any profits.

Like many things, it is desired to determine the blank size fast. The fastest method uses only the part geometry and material as inputs. But, getting a blank size fast without consideration for a process can be another source of hidden cost. The chart shown in Fig. 1 shows this clearly for several parts. Each blank utilization is based on a different method. A quick blank size that does not match the intended process can cause a very large difference in size and therefore cost.

AutoForm Plus R10 Wind أو ws2