Dato 5.4.3 macOS

Download Dato for Mac | MacUpdate

Dato macOS Syndre Sorhus, a fruitful developer of convenient small applications (and a large supporter of open source), struck another blow. He recently released an interesting program Dato – she effectively replaces the macOS watch in the menu bar.

By appearance, the program is identical to the default watch. When you click on it, a more complete menu opens: you have a small calendar, as well as a list of personal events planned for this day. You can also check the time in many cities abroad.

There are options for continging the displayed information. One option is the lack of analog, not digital watch.

To remove the watch from macOS, you can either move it from the menu line, holding the Command key pressed, or remove the “Show date and time” check box on the Data and time panel in the System settings.

Dato can be used for free, but there are some paid chips, and you do not need to think about it, below is a link to the download of the full version with all the features, we use and are happy!

Size: 17 MB
OS: macOS 12.6+
Download Dato macOS  5.4.3 + crack Free

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