Den4b ReNamer A fairly powerful program has been updated, the purpose of which is to quickly and efficiently rename a large number of files, while you can customize this process in detail, because the development has quite ample possibilities, there is no Russian support, and maybe I just could not find it, just with it would be more convenient to much. Who has a desire to experience the program in business, I recommend download ReNamer from our project in full news.
After launching the program and adding files that need to be renamed (wakily, files can be added by dragging and mouse), you can easily change the prefixes and suffixes when renaming, you can simply change part of the word you select, the same applies to individual letters, Rename will also allow you to change the registry, you can simply delete brackets, add serial numbers to your files, remove from them all the files.
Agree with this quite an impressive list of opportunities, which is why ReNamer is very popular. Among other things, you can combine the capabilities of the program on your files, that is, change in all names not only the letter but also delete brackets and so on, I think the meaning is extremely clear. You can create templates that can be easily used.
ReNamer has another pleasant trim, you will be able to work with various tags, such as ID31 and v2, data stored in EXIF, in MD5, SHA1 and so on, and you can also quickly rename folders and all files inside, that’s essentially everything I wanted to convey to you, I think the ReNamer program may be convenient.
Password : rsload
Developer: Denis Kozlov
Language: Multi
Size: 4 MB
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