FastCopy Pro 5.8.1

تحميل برنامج FastCopy 5.8.0 مع التفعيل - عالم التقنية

FastCopy Pro has exceptional performance, as proven by the number of functionalities available. FastCopy can transfer files relatively quickly, thus significantly reducing the amount of time required for file transfer. It also has advanced characteristics such as changing the buffer size, being multithreaded, and doing more than one copy simultaneously.

Moreover, this software tool offers a log of the copying process, which allows it to account for which part of the process it is. To sum up, FastCopy eases file copying due to its efficiency.

Characteristics of FastCopy Pro

  • High-speed file copying
  • Pause and resume functionality
  • Multiple copying methods
  • Verification of copied files
  • Shell integration
  • Command-line interface
  • Customizable settings
  • Unicode support
  • Portable version
  • Detailed logging

Data Sheet

Software: FastCopy
Interface: Silent Install
Developer: Info
Medicine: Pre_Activated