Fort Firewall 3.15.3

Fort Firewall 3.14.5

Fort Firewall  is an effective firewall designed for Win 7 and later versions, offering both simplicity and robustness.
Fort Firewall is in an “auto-learning” mode after installation. It offers easy-to-use protection for beginners and customizable options for experienced users.


Own kernel: By using its own kernel driver based on WFP, Fort Firewall can efficiently and securely filter network traffic, ensuring high performance and reliability.
This approach provides a solid foundation for Fort Firewall’s advanced features and enables seamless integration with the Windows operating system.

•  Filter by network addresses, application groups and more
•  Filter by SvcHost.exe service names
•  Support for wildcards in application path names
•  Speed limit application groups
•  Blocklists via “Zones”
•  Saves traffic statistics
•  Boot time filter
•  Can filter localhost (
•  Windows Explorer integration
•  Graphical display of the bandwidth
•  Has its own kernel driver based on the Windows Filtering Platform (WFP)

Download the program Fort Firewall 3.15.3 (5 MB):