High-Logic MainType Pro + x64

Download High Logic MainType Pro x High-Logic MainType Pro program was created to help when working with fonts, allow them to view, install new ones, print

High Logic MainType Pro x:

High-Logic MainType Pro program was created to help when working with fonts, allow them to view, install new ones, print interesting, in general, will allow you to organize them according to different criteria for easy search and viewing. Software works perfectly with the most famous font formats, such as TrueType, OpenType and other others, on the official website you can read more on this topic.

As the author himself writes, there are many alternatives in this area, but most allow you to simply view, the same application should perfectly suit graphic artists, typographers and other advanced users need plug-in support, network support, flexible search capabilities and so on.

License: ShareWare (crack activation is not required, there is a registration key)
Language: English
Size: 47 MB
Download High-Logic MainType Pro + key Free / 8.0.0 Build 1132 Portable
Sanahand + keygen free – program for creating your own fonts that will work on any software and PC running Macintosh

Password: rsload
5/5 (1 Review)

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