K-Lite Codec Pack 18.7.5

Download K Lite Codec Pack K-Lite Codec Pack – the most popular free package of codes, DirectShow filters and tools related to them. The absence of

K Lite Codec Pack:

K-Lite Codec Pack – the most popular free package of codes, DirectShow filters and tools related to them. The absence of conflicts between codes, ease of installation and use is different. Allows you to view and listen to all popular and large numbers of rare video and audio formats.

The main advantages of K-Lite Codec Pack:

  • Internal compatibility of components. The K-Lite distribution is always tested for compatibility by specialists. With the independent installation of codecs, it is easy to come to the situation “Codec hell” (“Health codecs”), since many filters do not get along with each other. To eliminate conflicts, you need to look for the cause of “az” and with the help of special utilitis, remove a specific component.
  • Good compatibility with Windows. In addition to the above-mentioned lack of conflict, the package is easily removed completely from the system without traces. When installing, K-Lite checks the presence of other codes in the system and offers their use when installing among other options. Also at the installation stage, faulty codes are searched and it is proposed to fix them.
  • Flexible setting. For download, 5 options for the package with different configurations are available, 3 installation modes and profiles are also offered. For each multimedia format, you can choose the right decoder from the available options, K-Lite chooses the most optimal by default. For users of Windows 7 and 8, a special utility Preferred Filter Tweaker for Windows 7 and 8 is provided to configure preferred codecs bypassing the OS.
  • Regular updates. The user does not need to follow the update of each audio or video codec or other components: K-Lite always contains current versions.

Comparison of the package versions:

  • Basic contains all the basic codecs for playing the media resource on PC. This is the easiest and simplest package with which you will get the opportunity to watch / listen to music and movies when using any convenient player for you. There are DirectShow decoding filters (LAV Audio and Video), source filters and subtitles DirectShow (LAV Splitter and VSFilter), the Codec Tweak Tool utility, as well as extensions Icaros ThumbnailProvider and Icaros PropertyHandler.
  • Standard also includes a Media Player Classic HomeCinema player, DVD MPEG-2 decoder (opens more features when playing DVDs), a MediaInfo Lite utility that displays detailed information about the media file.
  • Full compared to the standard version, here are the MareVR – high-quality renderer, the diagnostic utility GraphStudioNext and additional DirectShow filters.
  • Mega contains ACM and VFW codecs, DirectShow filters, additional utilitis. The installation will be offered a video player to choose from: Media Player Classic HomeCinema or Media Player Classic Regular.

ownload K-Lite Codec Pack Mega 18.7.5
K-Lite Codec Pack Full 18.7.5
K-Lite Codec Pack Standard 18.7.5
K-Lite Codec Pack Basic 18.7.5
K-Lite Codec Tweak Tool 6.7.4 / utility for working with codes installed in systems from this package

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