LightPDF Editor

LightPDF Editor | CyberMania

As always, you write to me, if there is time to publish, this program is in front of you LightPDF Editor – if you are looking for a tool for comprehensive work with the Portable Document Format – it is in front of you, we take and rejoice. The software after installation offers a set of features that can perform various actions with documents of this format, which include such as editing, conversion, you can create a signature, add annotation, conduct control and perform other standard operations. The interface is simple, which makes it available to beginners, inexperienced users, but even they will be easy to edit the document, try it yourself.


  • LightPDF Editor allows you to convert PDF files to various formats, you can even translate into Excel, create a Word editing document, create a PowerPoint presentation, you can simply throw it into the picture and vice versa, providing convenient editing and setting. Of course you can create a PDF from scratch
  • Edit PDFs with ease, changing the text, images or layout. Annoting tools are convenient for adding comments, highlighting and so on, making the software an ideal collaboration tool
  • The optical character recognition (OCR) function allows you to recognize text in images, edit and search for it, expanding the functionality of scanned documents. I do not think that the Russian language will be normally recognized, it is more designed for the Western user, but I could not but mention this chip
  • Protection of documents using signatures is real, you can perform encryption and installation of a password. In addition, you can add watermarks, ensuring the integrity and authenticity of documents
  • Share and combine PDF files according to your needs, and also compress them to reduce the size of the file. In addition, the program provides practical tools for effective organization and document management
  • The convenience of reading is provided by functions such as separation and scrolling, which makes viewing the documents more enjoyable
  • The program provides convenient printing of PDF files, allowing users to receive printed copies of documents without problems.
  • Activation as always happens, through a scar, it is in the archive in a separate folder, after installing the application, copy it to the folder, replace the original, get the full version
  • I didn’t meet the Revak version, you’ll see, let me know, add to the news
  • System requirements are minimal, works perfectly on the weak iron

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