Pidgin 2.14.14 / OTR 4.0.2

In front of you is a rather interesting Internet pager, which enjoys a lot of interest, but he has his user. Immedially I ask you to pay attention to this, he supports the work in different protocols, starting from ICQ to XMPP, the full list you can watch the full news on the last screenshot, I specifically did it, so that it was more clearly, I think that it makes no sense to list them, it is better to see them yourself, and you can in full news.

Of the features, it is worth noting an attractive interface, which is quite easy to work, Russian support is also present, as far as I remember it before, now it is quite simple to deal with the settings, by the way they are also on screenshots, not everything is true, but I think the general meaning will be clear. In Pidgin you can manage groups, of course you can transfer files, use smiles, adjust the communication window, there is anti-spam control, in general, everything is quite familiar and there is nothing to say much.

I want to note that perhaps Pydgin will not like users who are accustomed to a large number of different “decoration”, here everything is quite simple and clear, minimalism so to speak, which is just for me for example. As can be seen from the first screenshot, you in the main Pydgin window will immediately be able to see the status of the user, its avatar if it is available. In general, and everything I wanted to tell you about this interesting program, I hope the client will like, by the way, the appearance as far as I understand how much I can edit.

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Pinggin OTR Plugin v4.0.2 – 6.81 MB / message encryption protocol for instant messaging networks