Soulver macOS- it is a calculator that is not standard in this field. Easy to use, it is based on English, but can be modified to work on any other you prefer.
The application has a very nice interface. You enter any text into the left panel, and Soulver displays the correct answer in the right part for free. As you enter the text, partial responses appear on the screen, so you don’t have to click on the buttons to see the answer.
Features Soulver macOS :
- Instead of using numbers and mathematical signs, the calculator decides the sentences in English. Instead of dialing “3 x 5”, you can dial “3 times 5”. The program also recognizes mathematical signs and variables if you need it.
- The calculator is ideal for children studying the basics of mathematics, as mathematics is often taught in the context, for example, “I have two candy, I have five more. How many toys do I have?”
- The answer palette also provides additional information about your equation’s response, such as a square root, a decimal fraction. The program is equipped with scientific and algebraic tools, although its real target audience is children.
Soulver mainly works with a word database where “and = a sign of addition” and “less – a subtracting sign”. You can change this database so that it works with words in other languages.
So, you have a fairly simple and beautiful calculator, it is perfect to help your children or friends decide lessons.
Size: 17 MB
OS: macOS 10.14.4+
Download Soulver macOS 3.14.1 + Dings Free