X-Sec Malware Scanner

X-Sec Antivirus It is a simple tool that can help you find and remove malware from your computer. It has a big minus, there is no protection in real time, I must say, this is a prerequisite for tools of this kind, but in any case, you can test it and draw your own conclusions.

Note that if you have Visual C++ 2017 Runtime and NET. Framework 4.7.1, you can run Antivirus without any problems. Since it does not require installation, you just need to download the archive below, unpack it and run it through the executable file. The tool has a simple and intuitive user interface with tabs. It has five main and understandable categories, namely Review, Scanning, Protection, Tools and Settings.

Whether you’re a new or more experienced user, you know that it’s not difficult to work with X-Sec Antivirus. On the first tab, Review, you can view the current security status and the latest version of the database. Everything gets a little more interesting when you go to the second tab. On the “Scanning” tab, the utility offers you three explanatory scanning capabilities: Quick scanning, Full scanning and Custom scanning.

Next is the tab “Tools”, which presents a full activity log, as well as the ability to view elements placed in quarantine and create a trust list. “Settings” tab – provides you with a wide range of options to customize the overall application behavior. In addition to the main options available for localization, you will also be given the opportunity to enable or disable logs, heuristics, cloud engine, as well as backup files to the quarantine before deleting.

Password: rsload
Size: 289 MB
OS: Windows 7-11
Download X-Sec Malware Scanner + x64 Free