
Keeping your machine safe should be your first concern when it comes to working with any type of PC.

AdwCleaner is one particular solution you could work with if you want to keep doing what you like on your machine without the potential intrusion of adware and other types of malicious elements. The interface is simple, as is the whole procedure required to sanitize your machine.

The idea with this program is to simply make sure you end up browsing a safer Internet. The bottom line here is of course that a scan needs to be conducted to assess any potential issues you might have with your machine.

Once that is done and the app indicates the number of detections found, you can proceed to see what can be quarantined and what is deleted.

The app will also keep track of the last conducted scans and the total number of them. The program is indeed simple, and I feel this is the right marketing move for the developers behind the app as it makes it much more desirable and easy to control by anybody other than power users.


Download: AdwCleaner 8.5.0 | 8.8 MB (Freeware)
View: AdwCleaner Home Page

5/5 (1 Review)

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