[TOOL] APK Editor Studio – Free APK reverse-engineering tool
APK Editor Studio is a free open-source APK reverse-engineering tool combining powerful features and the ease of use. It allows you to easily change APK icon, name, images and other Android application resources.
Download: https://qwertycube.com/apk-editor-studio/
Source Code: https://github.com/kefir500/apk-editor-studio
Issue Tracker: https://github.com/kefir500/apk-editor-studio/issues
- Icon Editor to easily change Android app icon.
- Title Editor to quickly edit Android app title including translations.
- Image Editor with an automatic format cross-conversion to replace Android images.
- Code Editor with a syntax highlighting for XML, YAML, and Smali.
- Android Explorer to manage files on your Android device and take screenshots.
- Permission Editor to easily add or remove Android permissions.
- Manifest Editor including a handy API level selector.
- Resource Inspector to smoothly browse through the conveniently grouped resources.
- APK Signer to automatically and painlessly sign APK, out of the box.
- APK Optimizer aligning the APK for a reduced RAM consumption.
- APK Installer to instantly install application on your devices.
- APK Cloner for automatic package renaming and installing multiple app instances.
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