RAM Saver Pro – tool for professional monitoring, cleaning and optimization of RAM. By downloading it on diakov.net, you will be able to increase the performance of the operating system by freeing operational memory from drivers and processes of Windows for applications that need maximum loading of the processor and RAM. RAM Saver Pro defragments system memory for quick access to it, improves the efficiency of the processor and memory cache, restores memory leakage in poorly optimized applications, temporarily places unused libraries and drivers in the swap file, freeing RAM.

RAM Saver Professional 24.10

The main characteristics of the program:
• ‘System Tray’ RAM monitor
• Desktop monitor
• Specialized Control Panel
• professional monitoring
• Flexible optimization with statistical output
• RAM performance test
• monitoring and management of processes taking on in RAM
• the ability to create “boosted-sels”
• basic and additional settings automatic and intelligent optimization
• Quickly challenge tools
• forced cleaning of the exchange buffer
• the ability to close all applications by one click
• time display from the moment of computer activation
• suppression and quick launch of the screen keeper
• checking the availability of a CD in CD-ROM drive
• the ability to hide all the icons of the desktop
• Forced shutdown and restart of the computer

What’s new:

• The memory release logic was adjusted to use VirtualAlloc.
* The program crash under Windows 8.1 was fixed.

OS: Windows 11/10/8/8/7/1/7/VISTA/XP/2000

Download RAM Saver Professional 24.12.1 + key Free / 24.11 Repack + Portable elchupacabra

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