Subtitle Workshop 6.3.

Subtitle Workshop – is a program for editing and creating subtitles for video. It offers you a wide range of tools and is extremely simple and

Subtitle Workshop :

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Subtitle Workshop – is a program for editing and creating subtitles for video. It offers you a wide range of tools and is extremely simple and understandable in use. It is compatible with a large number of video formats and is able to save subtitles in various formats.

For those who create subtitles, it is common to use video as a benchmark. Thus, you can overshad to the dialogue and text on those parts of the video that are needed, creating the perfect synchronicity between the image and subtitles. To open the video that will be used as a link, just go to the Video menu and select the Open option.

Subtitle Workshop supports a wide range of video formats, including the standard Windows Media Video format, or WMV. Other formats such as MPEG and AVI also work normally and do not cause any problems.

You won’t be able to write anything until you click a File > New Subtitle. Once you do, there will be a place to create subtitles at the bottom of the screen. It’s a good idea to first position the video in the part that the subtitle should enter and press the Set Start Time button (Alt + C). Then enter the subtitle text and click Set the end time (Alt + V). (Both Set Start and End Time buttons are on the video control elements.)

When you do this, a new line will be added to the list. Just keep the process until the end of the video, and the subtitle will be ready. Now you just need to save by going to the File > Save as. Choose one of several output formats and everything is ready.

In Edit, you will find many other features for Subtitle Workshop, such as synchronization and even adding effects to subtrads (e.g., Typing and Flashing). You can also sort subtitles, select certain and translate them.

In Tools, you can separate subtitles, combine them, view them from the outside, check spelling and grammar, and add a number of frames per second.

Size: 12 MB
Download Subtitle Workshop 6.3.3 Free / 7.02 r1 Beta

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