المستخدم القوي بريميوم 1.6.1864.0
Power-user Premium

الوظيفة الإضافية للمستخدم القوي – أدوات ذكية لبرنامج PowerPoint وExcel وWord – قوالب وأيقونات ومخططاتPower-user – the program offers the opportunity to take advantage of a large collection of templates, maps, charts, illustrations, as well as a number of useful tools, you just need to install this superstructure for PowerPoint.

 Download Power-user


A cool, professional presentation can be made in a matter of minutes, if you just need to have access to the right resources. That is why Power-user software offers a variety of templates, frameworks, themes, slide designs and graphics suitable for a variety of areas. The superstructure also comes with an extensive set of editable maps, Ganta diagrams, icons. All this can be added a couple of clicks to your projects.

The Power-user program includes a number of tools that allow you to organize your projects, so your audience will never get confused and will not get out of the way. For example, you can add notes to write, add comments and share them, insert mini-slides to link to another page in your presentation, create a summary with one click, add a performance indicator, or insert different other elements into all your project slides.

Power-user (this program is presented with us for free, you will get the latest version with a key / cray-wore inside the archive, use them and we go through registration, luck) is integrated into the PowerPoint interface after installation and all new features and resources are available on the newly created tab. The templates and tools included in this package are primarily designed to help create business presentations, so they should be particularly useful for companies wishing to improve productivity.

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